Since computer C's performance is 4 times faster, naturally I'd multiply 28 by 4.
1. Bits
2. Bitrate
3. The amount of time it takes for bits to travel from one place to another.
4. Used to send bits wirelessly.
5. Cables that carry light and dramatically increase the speed and accuracy of information over the internet.
6. 8
7. The number of bits per second a system can transmit.
hey lol
See explaination
Here are the steps taken to draw the diagram!
opcode0 and the opcode1 signals are inverted/not to determine the case whether it is 00, 01, 10, 11.
Then they are 'and'ed with the corresponding Zero/lt signal to confirm if the case is true, for eg. zero = 1 if opcode = 00 (beq).
Then all the cases are 'or'ed to get the Branch signal!
See attachment for the diagram
Folded card This layout type is for creating greeting cards by printing pages on a sheet and then folding the sheet to make the card. If you choose the Folded card layout, then sheet fold options are displayed. Select an option in the list to specify how you will fold your publication