Firewalls, Antiviruses, Malware, Antispyware,
Close or disable all unused running apps.
Closing programs running in the background on your computer or mobile device helps to free up system resources for your other programs. These problems can be resolved where your system is running slowly or two programs are trying to use the same device hence causing the device or system to drag.
Okay so what you would is press ctrl+alt+delete and click log out i think but if you have a disk put it in and secure everything trust me i am a computer savage. i hack thing all the time.
The answer is a. Source Code. It is the set of instructions that programmers have written in a higher-level language. When a programmer types a sequence of C language<span> statements into Windows Notepad, for example, and saves the sequence as a text file, the text file is said to contain the source code. </span>