owns many businesses and media networks
Machiavellianism in psychology defines a personality of someone who is self centred in way that they only care about their own interest and will manipulate ,exploit and deceive others to get their way. This is a person who will trick you and manipulate you as long as it results to them getting what they desire or want.
Machiavellianism is amongst the personalities which are referred to as Dark Triad which includes narcissism and psychopath.
In contemporary u.s. society, men suffer more from gender inequality as individuals, while women are harmed more as a group. This is because, <em><u>men are harmed by androcentrism alone and women by androcentrism, </u></em><em><u>and subordination.</u></em>
Misinformation effect
Misinformation effect is when one Creates a or some fictitious memories by providing misleading information about an event after it takes place.
In most cases, misinformation effect happens in error, out of fear and or to cover someone for an act.
When you misinforms errornouesly out of fear, it is mostly due to a trauma associated with the incident the led to the information.
Angie responding by recalling erroneously that the criminal was a teenager rather than a young adult is an example of one having a misinformation effect maybe due to trauma of the robbery incident.