The Supreme Court case Marbury vs. Madison upheld the following ideas:
1) The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review- This means that the Supreme Court has the ability to interpret the constitution.
2) The Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional- This act gave more power to the Supreme Court than intended by Article III of the US Constitution.
3) The court did not have the power to compel James Madison to deliver the commission to William Marbury. This means that William Marbury would not become a justice of the peace.
Slavery was THE great debate of the 1850's as was the question of continuing a union that threatened the lives and property of the South. It caused Lincoln's election in 1860 and fueled the movement to secession and war. Slavery was the dividing point over which there was a limit to the compromises that could be effected. It clearly drove the decade as it had shaped the whole century.
Daniel Webster, John Calhoun, Henry Clay are the group includes leaders that worked for compromise on issues
Monroe compromise was signed by James Monroe which was a bill that aimed to equalize the slave state and Free states.
Missouri was admitted into Union as a slave state in north whereas Maine was deliberated to be the Free State. It created a huge incongruity of opinion between the congress men who supported and opposed slavery. The settlement which was signed by Monroe safeguarded good feelings and it paved way for Monroe to stand for the second term as the president.
But this compromise proved to be a fallacy as there was the descent of cold war which stared.
Many new machines like the cotton engine. It improved men's clothing and provided new weapons. (Industrial Revolution)
Start with everyone uniting and helping women