C) have + been + verb + -ing.
She searches for her and meets a queen. she then turns the queens baby into a demigod to thank her for her kindness when she was disguised as an old woman. After revealing herself as Demeter, she and the soldiers of the queen's nation begin searching for Persephone. She meets the sun titan and finds out where Persephone was taken from. She meets Hecate, a witch who tells her it was Hades, so Demeter goes to Zues, who tells her that he can do nothing about it. Demeter flips out and nothing grows anywhere except the place where the queen helped Demeter. Mortals were dieing and the gods were becoming irritated. Zues finally caved and sent Hermes to get Persephone, right after she eats part of the pomegranate. He tells this to Zues and Demeter, who turns the gardener who gave her the pomegranate into a newt. they eventually come to the agreement of Persephone stays in the underworld for part of the year, which is believed to be winter when Demeter is in distress until her daughter returns and nothing grows. Sorry for the long answer, I probably added a lot of unnecessary stuff.
odious, hateful ,rebellion
I say that because Rebellion means an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler, hateful means arousing, deserving of, or filled with hatred, odious extremely unpleasant; repulsive.
Singapore is its own country
Singapore’s capital is Singapore ( a city-state), China’s capital is Beijing.
China consists of ethnic Chinese, Singapore has 4 main racial group with the majority being ethnic Chinese.
China is perceived to be communist in nature, Singapore is a partially democrat.
China is huge. You cant miss her on the atlas. Singapore is tiny. If you do not put in effort,you won’t be able to find it.
China has thousand of years of history, and Singapore has 52 years of history.
I'm going to guess Boo Radley.