D.The Egyptians could not build roads, and therefore they had to depend on the Nile river for transportation.
Explanation: communication from three U.S. diplomats to Secretary of State ... U.S. minister to Spain, failed in his mission to secure the purchase of Cuba (1853), Marcy ... The resulting diplomatic statement, the Ostend Manifesto
Focusing on economic reform during his time as Dictator for Life, Caesar improved land and waterways. His political reforms focused on creating physical structures, rebuilding cities and temples, and improving the Senate, The main ruling body in Rome.
first as a mixture of indentured slavery, African chattel slavery, and native American slavery for economic gain in the Southern colonies.
The Southern colonies, including in the West Indies, had mainly focused on the production of cash crops and plantation agriculture. However, this took a lot of labor, including in dangerous working environments. Indentured servants, often times immigrants from Ireland, were a risky investment, and often died. New diseases from the old world killed off much of the native American population, not to mention they knew the land and had places to escape from slavery to. African chattel slavery had two main benefits: 1) they came from Africa in large quantities (with much immunity due to the longer history of European interaction) and typically had no where to go, making them available, and 2) their children were also born into slavery, meaning there were essentially, in the eyes of masters, and endless "supply" of slaves. Even after new slave importation from Africa was banned, the children of slaves remained and continued on. This economic benefit that slaves carried continued far after the American Revolution in the south, especially after the creation of the cotton gin during the market revolution, as well as western expansion, that made slavery even more practical than it had previously been.
we would be different because we would be divide so wo would be seprate and have different cultural ideas and have seprate laws and and government and maybe evne we might to be state we could be like south america and have contries inside a contnet pardon my spelling