Intrauterine device/contraceptive
The 2 types are a hormonal IUD or copper IUD.
It is a T-shaped device that is inserted through the cervix and placed in the uterus. It releases a chemical substance that damages sperm in transit to the uterine tubes and prevents fertilization.
Contraindications: active pelvic disease, abnormal uterine bleeding, severe uterine distortion, and for the copper IUD patients with Wilson’s disease and copper allergies.
Managing the effect of the behavior on the entire group.
Answer: This is a deductive argument, because the truth in the first premises which states: if you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, you show up to the office 10 minutes early for work. Has validate the conclusion that state: I know for a fact that I was early to work Monday through Friday, so I must have slept at least 8 hours every night.
The underlying reason why the conclusion is valid is because, the conclusion affirms the first premises (P1).
The conclusion can only be valid in this argument if it affirms either P1 or P2.
P1: If it rains the soil will be wet.
P2: If it does not rain the soil will not the wet.
Conclusion: it rained, therefore the soil is wet.