No it is our curiosity that we learn history with fun it is true
Just a couple things
diseases that affect them during pregnancy
birthing troubles
possibly cultural or religious traditions that would make it hard for them to survive.
It eliminated the defense of diminished capacity
At least, from what you said I'm assuming that's what you wanted, if not, just say so and elaborate why and I'll try to find another solution
The British left the city of Savannah, Georgia to head to<span> part of the British evacuation, a group consisting of British regulars led by General Alured Clarke traveled to New York.</span>
Great Society was a failure.
(It is a great idea to help poor people. There will always be poor people. No matter what you do.)
Also too much money was being dumped in Vietnam, and Johnson was not paying attention. Should have maybe pulled troops out of Vietnam then started his Communist ideas.
Sorry maybe a bit too rough. But they were. Some people will work harder then others, why should they not get paid more for what they do?