Answer: The P wave indicates atrial depolarization. The P wave occurs when the sinus node, also known as the sinoatrial node, creates an action potential that depolarizes the atria. The P wave should be upright in lead II if the action potential is originating from the SA node.
Changes in maps of any kind are possible in the future. The probability of a change in a topographic map representation of a mountain in the future increases the further into the future we intend to predict.
Topographic maps are useful to obtain a general overview of the land in a certain area. Among the many things that these maps show the user are:
- Hills
- Ridges
- Valleys
- Lakes
- Rivers
- Creeks
- Trails
- Roads
- Elevation of the ground.
These contents can change based on natural occurrences. In the case of a mountain, natural disasters such as an <em>earthquake</em> or <em>volcanic eruption </em>can drastically change the topography of said mountain. The movement of tectonic plates is also a prime example of how the appearance of a mountain may change in the future.
To learn more visit:
plates lead and lead oxide, electrolyte liquid sulphuric acid
If there was a larger population of rabbits than dandelions, and the rabbits only ate the dandelions, they would eventually run out. then the rabbits would start to die too, since their main food source is gone.