the answer is the rebuilding after a war
According to the major spokesman of the movement, the poet and critic André Breton, who published The Surrealist Manifesto in 1924, Surrealism was a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely that the world of dream and fantasy would be joined to the everyday rational world in “an ...
Having only one branch means that they cannot have checks and balances and separation of power.
Maintain a safe cushion of space ahead and behind your vehicle
Driving safely is an obligation of every driver, as well as a way of respecting one's life and the lives of others on the road. For this reason, whenever he needs to drive the driver must obey all traffic laws and signs and signs on the road, must pay attention to the operation of the car and what must be done in its structure to avoid problems and accidents. An example of what the driver should do is slow down and maintain a safe space cushion in front of and behind the vehicle when entering the deceleration lane or exit ramp.
It came from Italy there was the first one to create it