Miriam’s mother has cancer, and Miriam is very worried about her. Her mother is working with her medical team to get the best po
ssible care, but it is a very aggressive cancer and the outlook is not good. Miriam found an alternative medicine clinic online that claims to have cured cases worse than her mother’s. Miriam figures that her mother has nothing to lose by trying this alternative treatment. What is the BEST response to Miriam? A.
Unproven treatments can cause harm, so she needs to discuss it with her mother’s doctors.
If there are those whom the treatment has helped, it is probably worth giving it a try.
All alternative treatments are scams, so Miriam should stop looking online for medical advice.
Her mother should try the alternative treatment since she can always go back to her regular doctors.
Nägele's Rule is a method to determine the due date of pregnancy using the last period date as an input value. Please be aware that this method does not take into account leap years.
The calculation goes as follows:
Last Menstrual Date (LMP) + 9 months + 7 days = Predicted Due Date