Answer:Given that school is cancelled tomorrow, will we still be expected to do our homework?
Explanation: The sentence is punctuated correctly.
In a room.
From the poem, we can see that she is in a room, perhaps at night because it is indicated that she came into a room and she was described as kindling the narrator and they "wake up glowing" which could be in a literal or figurative way.
<u>When she comes slip-footing through the door,
<u>she kindles us
<u>like lump coal lighted,
<u>and we wake up glowing.
<u>She puts a spark even in Papa’s eyes </u>
<u>and turns out all our darkness.
<u>When she comes sweet-talking in the room,
<u>she warms us </u>
<u>like grits and gravy,
and we rise up shining.
Even at night-time Mama is a sunrise
that promises tomorrow and tomorrow.</u>
<u>Mama Is A Sunrise</u> by Evelyn Tooley Hunt.
2.reaveals the opinions of the reader
Examine this as light that would come in and light that would go out. The transparency of windows, the ability to see through windows, is the purpose of windows in this statement, allowing something to go in and out. What is the light in you? Now with this part of the statement, it is then expressing the metaphor as a direction from inside of someone to the outside. So it some one has a window, the ability or platform to say things and have people listen, what is the value if the person only speaks of hate and violent things. What value is there to listening to someone who speaks of these things through their "window"?
Let's consider the windows as opportunities to positively influence other people. An excellent situation would be a teacher. The have the "window", the class time to use effectively and beneficially for the students who are in the class. But what if the teacher only wants to pass the time and get through the class, not really imparting any knowledge, or being to lazy or indifferent or not caring. A window - the classroom, but no passion nor energy or light.
This example I believe best illustrates what it means to have a window, but no light.