Fundamental attribution error defines a tendency to underestimate the effects of external or situational causes of behavior and to overestimate the effects of internal or personal causes.
Fundamental attribution error (FAE), also referred to as correspondence bias or attribution effect in social psychology, is the propensity for people to overemphasise dispositional and personality-based explanations for an individual's observed behaviour while underplaying situational and environmental explanations. The term "tendency to believe that what people do reflects who they are" has been used to characterise this effect, which is the tendency to overattribute people's actions (what they do or say) to their personalities and underattribute them to the circumstance or context. The mistake is in assuming that someone's actions are exclusively indicative of their personality rather than that they are partly indicative of it and primarily by external factors.
Learn more about Fundamental attribution error
The triangle trade is so called because it took place between three different regions on all sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Ships that traveled these trade routes carried African slaves, manufactured goods, and cash crops between West Africa, North America, and Europe. African slaves were moved by ships during the triangle trade.
Explanation: Mahatma Gandhi was the primary leader of India's independence movement and also the architect of a form of non-violent civil disobedience that would influence the world. Until Gandhi was assassinated in 1948, his life and teachings inspired activists including Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
Civil disobedience is the refusal to comply with certain laws considered unjust, as a peaceful form of political protest.
Three examples: The salt march lead by Ghandi, poll tax non payment, extremadura campaign
"It means Emperor of Rome who stopped the persecution of Christians and in 324 made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire; in 330 he moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople"
This is an example of egocentrism.
Egocentrism is characteristic of the preoperational stage. Children are still incapable of understanding that what they see is not what others see, what they feel is not what others feel. Therefore, if they close their eyes and stop seeing you, they believe that means you can't see them too. That is what is taking place in the passage we are analyzing here. Jeremiah is only three years old, which means he is still in the preoperational stage. He is surprised that his older brother is able to see him when he thinks he is "hiding" so efficiently. Jeremiah is giving us an example of egocentrism.