You explain the sentence with the evidence from the text to support your answer
International trade in which countries both import and export the same or similar goods is called two-way (or interindustry) trade. Two reasons countries import and export the same goods are variations in transportation costs and seasonal effects.
It is right to forgive ones but when it comes to advice and tries you need to take an serious action because if you take it they won’t repeat again
<span>After settling in India, the Aryans stopped being pastoral nomads and became farmers. The creation of the iron plow and the use of irrigation made it possible for them to turn the jungle along the Ganges River into farmland. The basic crops in the north were wheat, barley, and millet. Rice was grown in the river valleys. Grain and vegetables were grown in the south. Cotton and spices such as pepper, ginger, and cinnamon , were also grown.
Politics which is a term that comes from a Grecian word, "Politika" (affairs of cities), is a process wherein making decisions will apply to the members of the group. It also refers to exercise or achieve a certain position in a government that will organized or control over a community specifically a state.