Any number that is divisible by 6 is already divisible by 2, but is not necessarily divisible by 12.
Counterexamples include: 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, and so on. You can find more by multiplying 6 by any odd number. However, multiplying 6 by an even number provides another "2" that would make it divisible by 12.
It's a kite or a rhombus.
Multiply both sides by x so that x will be in the numerator
its easy
Step-by-step explanation:
First you need to get your two numbers or more than to like for example 6 and 9 6<9 the alligator mouth would go to the 9 because its bigger and say for instances 9,10,5 it would be 9<10>5 ten is bigger than them all so there you go