If if the question is to put in the right punctuation than I think this should be it (“run the owner is coming” said the naughty boy, while others giggled, they were in fact gathering the windfall mangoes. Why are you here? I'll punish you. “you will never get hold of me”)
Humidity in the air is measured with a hygrometer.
Theory of plate tectonics states that Earth's surface the upper mantle an crust, was once made up of enormous rock plates that broke into smaller pieces approximately 300 million years ago and These smaller broken plates form more fluid rock surface in the mantle. as Time passed the plates move and morph into natural land boundaries. This explains natural land phenomena, such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
Answer. A man was critically wounded during a vicious fight; in 2007, he died and was buried in 2006. ... Another explanation can be that he died in 2007 but his body was flown in or transferred to some other part of the world past to the other side of the Green Meridian.
this confuses me but i think thats it