Herbert hoover important in WWI because When the U.S. entered the war, President Woodrow Wilson appointed Hoover to lead the Food Administration, and Hoover became known as the country's "food czar". After the war, Hoover led the American Relief Administration, which provided food to the inhabitants of Central Europe and Eastern Europe.
Sparta was at controlling helots, by murdering them, terrorizing them, brainwashing them and beating them into submission. When the Spartans dominance eroded and Greece fell to Rome, helots still did not get their freedom. Instead Of being slaves in Sparta, they became slaves in Rome
Nehru prioritized democracy and industries as his pillars of economic development. many independent countries at the time prioritized the difference, which is agriculture and stability over the ideals of democracy. within a few years of his reign, India had risen to become the world largest democracy and one of the fast developing economies.
rock carvings of the Bronze Age, temples, and celebrations
Cheung Chau is famous for rock carvings dating back to the Bronze Age, several pristine temples, and a yearly celebration that involves loads of sweet buns.
Medical, economic, and administrative efforts.
Although they did not directly fight, many American women in World War 1 played very important roles in history. Some women took on the jobs of the men who left to enlist in the war, became nurses on the battlefields, and some even took up administrative positions.