B.Cause: A few experts challenged Champollion’s methods.Effect: Defenders of Champollion proved that he was correct.
This is the best choice in my opinion
Jimmy and Frank are <u>best friends</u>. They first met in second grade, and they have <u>grown</u> up together. These two have had <u>a lot</u> of adventures over the years. They once got lost on a fishing trip and ended up wandering in the woods for two days, they were rescued by a park ranger. That was <u> definitely</u> a trip they would never forget. Another time, Jimmy climbed a tree to get the <u>neighbor's</u> cat, and he got stuck. With no way to get down. He <u>knew</u> he was in trouble when the <u>weather</u> suddenly grew wicked, and he found himself caught in a <u>lightning</u> storm. Frank herd Jimmy yelling for help, and he was able to get a ladder and rescue him. Jimmy is glad that him and Frank are friends. <u>There</u> never seems to be a dull moment when there together. There adventures keep things interesting.
F, a conflict can be between less than three people.