Most of the websites users are democrats, therefore, most of the opinions on the front page will be left winged
Four years per term, and can be elected up to 2 terms, or 8 years
Being Ethical in preparation of account information helps to maintain a high degree of honesty with investors and partners of the company. It is also essential for future plan because an account information prepared unethically might come back to haunt the firm when they grow bigger than their current size thereby pushing future investors away. Reporting figures as they appear also helps the firm to know it's current financial stand and how to tidy up loose ends in previous financial year.
Passing laws creating courts and collecting taxes are a example of some of the explicit rights given to political bodies by the US Constitution.
5, 2, 7
-As seen from Earth, the planet's orbit must be nearly face-on (perpendicular our line-of-sight).
-You must be able to precisely measure variations in the star's brightness with time.
-The planet must have an orbital period of less than about 1 year.