My guess would be voting rights.
Explanation: During the congress it was a voting time so it would be related.
Correct as is A is the correct on e
Although letters may be informal as well, commercials tend to be the most informal.
<span>The correct answer is Chronological organization. Sequence is incredibly important to chronological organization since most to all events in the narrative are organized based upon the time or place they occurred. Thus sequence helps to organize the narrative and give it a strong structure.</span>
The answer is
showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. audacious \aw-DAY-shus\ adjective. 1 a : intrepidly daring : adventurous. b : recklessly bold : rash. 2 : contemptuous of law, religion, or decorum : insolent. 3 : marked by originality and verve.