It prevents their species from going extinct.
Radio waves has the least energy
c. increase HDL levels
Cholesterol is carried in blood in two ways, LDL and HDL. Both of them are lipoproteins made of fat and protein. LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein has 50% cholesterol and 25% protein by weight. HDL or High Density Lipoprotein has 20% cholesterol and 50 % protein. LDL carries cholesterol to arteries and deposits it there which is not good for the body. HDL on the other hand removes excess cholesterol from body via liver.
Aerobic exercise increases HDL values and lowers LDL values. It has been shown that exercising regularly can increase HDL level by 6% which is good for the overall health of the body. For maximum effect 30 minutes of moderate exercise should be done 5 times a week.
Mitosis occurs after interphase (which is the phase that takes the longest) and is occurring all the time in your cells. Sometimes a cell will not go into a state of mitosis if an error is found during the interphase process (if it does, it's cancerous) . Some cells don't go through the process of mitosis, like neurons. But once a cell passes interphase without any errors, it will go into mitosis then cytokinesis. The process takes about one day and occurs when your body is repairing itself or if you're growing and developing. So yes, it happens all the time, just not in every single cell; just in most cells.
Dominate traits "overpower" the recessive traits. Say if you're mom has blue eyes and your dad has green eyes you would most likely get blue because blue is the dominate gene.