Hamlet is comparing DEATH to LITTLE SLEEP.
The speaker of the house is in front of the house of representatives. She usually does not preside over the debates personally, instead she delegates this function to another member of the majority party´s chamber. In addition to presiding over the chamber, she has administrative and procedural functions and remains a Representative of his own district.
It occupies second place in the line of presidential succession, after vice presidency of the United States, which also assumes <em>ex officio </em>the presidency <em>pro tempore </em>of the senate. It is a similar charge to the election of a prime minister in a parliamentary regime.
Answers with Explanations:
1. How is peace communicated?
"Peace" may be communicated in various ways. It can be communicated in our everyday lives such as<em> interacting with people.</em> The <em>media</em> and<em> television</em> are also means to communicate peace to a larger audience. Some communicate peace by using the Internet, such as publishing a journal.
2. What is meant by social peace?
"Social peace" refers to the process of<em> maintaining harmony</em> in social relationships. It tries to <em>avoid misunderstanding</em> or <em>disagreements </em>and looks for <u>solutions</u> in order to<u> prevent interpersonal conflicts</u>.
3. How can we always be peaceful?
We can always be peaceful if we are, firstly, at peace with our selves. It is an important factor to prevent a cluttered mind. Secondly, we should have empathy or understanding on how other people feel. This is essential in order to properly respond to them. We can only do this if we put ourselves in their shoes.