the food web
Explanation: A food web is a conceptual model that represents the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
Convection Current
This happens when there is a noteworthy contrast in temperature between two sections of a liquid. At the point when this temperature distinction exists, hot liquids rise and cool liquids sink, and after that streams, or developments, are made in the liquid
fertilization is the process of fusion of gametes from two parents. gametes are produced as a result of meiosis in which crossing over and recombination produces new combinations of genes and sometimes mutations are also occur which also leads to development of unique characteristics.
this is the main reason that kids from same parents are genetically unique.
Here's what i think.
Tides can be extremely dangerous, in some places, high tide will flood caves which people otherwise wouldn't notice as flood-able. Knowing the tides can save lives of Spelunkers (people who explore caves). Another example is sailing. The tides can be important because tide can determine if your boat will be smashed against rocks, or if it is safe to dock!