The spoon was her secret, when I stirred it below the rough milky surface that was her mind; a fortress my curiosity and desire could not penetrate.
He flew down the stairs, because he was the spirit of this morning, the wind that brought the rain, and he was the spring; the spring that melted the ice of yesterday’s storm. What kid wouldn’t be? It was Christmas morning.
She was a tigress, eyeing her opponents with a quiet fierceness. She could win this chess tournament, if her moves were thunder on the table, her reflexes lightning in the air, her strategy a midnight flood; you don’t know you’re doomed until it’s too late.
Oraganizational standards are the way in which a text is structured. This refers to the way the text is organized and assembled to convey the necessary information that makes up the text. There are several organizational patterns with which fiction and non-fiction texts are organized, among these patterns, the most common ones are compare/contrast, chronological order, descriptive, or cause/effect.
It is foreshadowed that Susan is at a zenith, a highpoint in her life. This, however seems to be the last highpoint that she will ever be at, insinuating that the rest of her life was much more depressing and less exciting.
I think it should not Have bad grammar
Something necessary or indeipensable: food shelter, and other necessities of life. The fact of being necessary or indispensable; indispensability: the necessity of adequate housing.