Cardiovascular disease is actually composed of two sub diseases; Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arterosclerosis (stiffening of arteries), and athrosclerosis (plaque buildup). The biggest way to prevent plague build up is to reduce cholesterol and fat intake. Eatinging fibrous food also helps to reduce levels of bad cholesterol of which oatmeal and beans fit the description
So "Oatmeal and Beans"
The correct answer is- risk factor
Risk factor is some variables which are responsible for developing a disease in us. For example, there are various risk factors for developing heart disease like smoking, high LDL, physical activity, diabetes, high caloric diet, etc.
Diet which is having a high amount of LDL or bad cholesterol raises our body fat and increases the risk of developing heart disease. Therefore a diet that contains and supplies an extra amount of such fat is a risk factor for heart disease.
The correct answer would be - Laryngeal cancer.
Hoarseness is not alone will indicative of the Laryangeal cancer but as it is found later that the client notes the lump in the throat and feeling of lump with hoarseness more than two weeks is likely to be due to the Laryngeal cancer.
Laryngeal cancer is the cancer that characterized by the malignant cells in the larynx, larynx is the part of the throat.
Thus, the correct answer is - laryngeal cancer.
Consuming contaminated foods or beverages