When a cell divides, it is important that each daughter cell receives an identical copy of the DNA. ... This model for replication suggests that the two strands of the double helix separate during replication, and each strand serves as a template from which the new complementary strand is copied
The completed sentence with the correct answer is; How does the first sentence in the paragraph help to introduce the main idea. The correct answer is B.
Mitochondria are involved in cellular respiration, where they produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the cells energy carrier or the cells energy store molecule.
Answer:The equation of time describes the discrepancy between two kinds of solar time. The word equation is used in the medieval sense of "reconcile a difference".
Counter current involves blood in the capillaries flowing in the opposite direction to the flow of water flowing over them. Gases diffuse faster from one area to another when the concentration difference between the two areas is at its greatest, as compared to when the concentration difference is low.