Accused of being a witch because she reads books and sells animals that go on to die later in the tex
Ancient Greece and Rome have affected modern technology and architecture in various ways. Many modern government buildings draw inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman structures. Several architectural designs, such as domes and columns, were first developed in Rome. The Romans also introduced us to concrete, which is a strong and durable building material.
The ancient Greek scientist Archimedes invented the lever. We still use this technological invention in construction to lift heavy weights. Archimedes also invented the odometer, which tracks traveling distance. The odometer is used in almost all modern vehicles today.
Victims of piracy endured torture, floggings, and ceremonies of humiliation, but when brought to justice, the pirates were given such punishments as lengthy prison sentences, transportation to work in the deadly conditions of African mines, or public execution by hanging.
The new constitution created by these moderate revolutionaries declared france to be a new constitutional monarchy. within this new government, all legislative powers went to a single legislative assembly, which alone had the power to declare war and raise taxes. the legislative assembly was an indirectly elected body.