This sentence should not be included because it is not explained why these organizations have a negative perspective.
<h3>What is paragraph 2 about?</h3>
Paragraph 2 focuses on the positive points or the benefits of vegetarianism. This idea is stated in "Many studies have found that vegetarianism has important health benefits".
<h3>Should the sentence be included?</h3>
The sentence presented states some health organizations have created a negative perspective about being vegetarian. This idea is indirectly related to the benefits of being vegetarian.
Moreover, this idea is not completely explained, for example, there are no reasons why these organizations have this perspective. Based on this, the sentence should not be included.
Note: This question is incomplete because the text has not been provided; here is the missing section:
(3) Many studies have found that vegetarianism has important health benefits. (4) For example, a vegetarian diet is connected to lower rates of heart disease and diabetes as well as lower cholesterol levels. (5) Some studies have also shown that cancer rates are lower in vegetarians than in meat-eaters and that vegetarians tend to live longer than nonvegetarians.
Learn more about perspective in:
A young lady of property is a noun.
Answer:Pindarus must decide whether to fight Mark Antony or flee
The percentage of scores higher than 72 is 99.85%
The empirical rule states that about 68% of observations falls within the first standard deviation (µ ± σ), 95% within the first two standard deviations (µ ± 2σ), and 99.7% within the first three standard deviations (µ ± 3σ)
We can use the relationship below
The area is as shaded below
The percentage of scores higher than 72 is 99.7%+0.15%=99.85%