A routine or subroutine, also referred to as a function procedure and sub program is code called and executed anywhere in a program. FOr example a routine may be used to save a file or display the time.
Change this code:
return <View style={[styles.container, backgroundColor: this.state.bg]}/>
for this code:
return <View style={[styles.container, {backgroundColor: this.state.bg}]}/>
eHealth or electronic health is a digital medical platform used to connect individuals to medical treatment they so need but can not receive due to certain barriers.
The eHealth platform uses modern day technology for consultation, examination of patient's health, prescription of medication etc. But it refers patients to trusted medical facilities when the situation is critical.
All these are done electronically through the internet and has eliminated the boundaries of geographical location.
The code solution is written in Java.
- import java.util.Scanner;
- public class TestScore {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
- System.out.print("Please enter first score: ");
- double firstScore = input.nextDouble();
- System.out.println("Grade: " + determineGrade(firstScore));
- System.out.print("Please enter second score: ");
- double secondScore = input.nextDouble();
- System.out.println("Grade: " + determineGrade(secondScore));
- System.out.print("Please enter third score: ");
- double thirdScore = input.nextDouble();
- System.out.println("Grade: " + determineGrade(thirdScore));
- System.out.print("Please enter fourth score: ");
- double fourthScore = input.nextDouble();
- System.out.println("Grade: " + determineGrade(fourthScore));
- System.out.print("Please enter fifth score: ");
- double fifthScore = input.nextDouble();
- System.out.println("Grade: " + determineGrade(fifthScore));
- System.out.println("Average score: " + calcAverage(firstScore, secondScore, thirdScore, fourthScore, fifthScore));
- }
- public static double calcAverage(double score1, double score2, double score3, double score4, double score5){
- double average = (score1 + score2 + score3 + score4 + score5) / 5;
- return average;
- }
- public static String determineGrade(double score){
- if(score >= 90){
- return "A";
- }
- else if(score >= 80 ){
- return "B";
- }
- else if(score >=70){
- return "C";
- }
- else if(score >=60){
- return "D";
- }
- else{
- return "F";
- }
- }
- }
Firstly, create the method, <em>calcAverage()</em>, that takes five test scores. Within the method, calculate the average and return it as output. (Line 33 - 36)
Next, create another method, <em>determineGrade()</em>, which takes only one score and return the grade based on the range of the score. (Line 38 -54)
Once the two required methods are created, we are ready to prompt use for input five test scores using Java Scanner class. To use get user input, create a Scanner object (Line 7). Next, use getDouble() method to get an input score and assign it to variables firstScore, secondScore, thirdScore, fourthScore & fifthScore, respectively. Once a score input by user, call determineGrade() method by passing the input score as argument and immediately print out the return grade. (Line 9 - 27)
At last, call calcAverage() method by passing the first test score variables as argument and print out the returned average value. (Line 29).