Biographies and/or first person cx
The Principal
—— School
Date -
Subject - Permission to use bus due to injured foot
I am a student of your school in the class —— . I have injured my foot due to —— and won’t be able to walk to the school. I request your permission to kindly use the bus service until I can walk again. I’ll be very grateful to you.
Yours sincerely,
You can fill in the blanks with your information
It takes a lot of hard work to stay in shape, which is why it’s important to exercise on a regular basis. But it’s not always possible to remain active, and sometimes a few days off can turn into a more... extended hiatus. Here’s what happens to your body when you suddenly stop exercising
Last Saturday I visited your showroom in Springfield and ordered an oak desk and two matching three-drawer filing cabinets for my study. When I arrived home this evening, I found the furniture had been delivered in my absence, but the filing cabinets were the four-drawer style. Unfortunately, I can use only the three-drawer style because I lack room for anything higher.
I will appreciate having these cabinets picked up and exchanged for the ones I ordered as soon as possible. Please call to arrange a time when I will be home. I trust this matter can be resolved very quickly, so I can get my files organized soon.