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These are the three things that are definitly needed to correctly cite a source correctly.
Credibility has nothing to do with citing the source correctly.
summarized information is not the only way you can cite work. you can paraphrase or direct quote sources.
The most appropriate reason why Brooks capitalized the words "Mostly Good," is to draw attention, and highlight this point, so the reader would receive better context, and a reason to think and use intellectual reasoning.
I think that it should be, "The book told all about airplanes, tractors, and trucks."
All South Africans should be aware of the need of studying gender-based violence in order to prevent attacks, victimizations, and violent fatalities.
Gender-based violence is a serious violation of human rights with serious social and developmental effects on victims, their families, communities, and society at large. Therefore, raising awareness of gender-based violence can help South Africa's economy by lowering the number of attacks, victimizations, and fatalities caused by violence and encouraging greater work possibilities for women. Gender-based violence also educates regarding their sexual and reproductive rights, in particular for South African women, and how to report any abuses against them. ultimately resulting in a society that is peaceful and aware.
Learn more about Gender-based violence here: