There was a blood curdling scream and then the noise of the cats crying stopped. The sinister silence in the empty neighbourhoos sent chills down my spine as I increased my pace to reach the (insert place) .
you continue.
two very different meanings. It can describe cutting or splitting something apart with a sharp instrument, or — oddly enough — it can describe sticking to something like glue.
Cleave can refer to being in close contact, to staying really, really close to someone or something: "If you are walking in the pitch-black woods without a flashlight, you want to cleave to the person in front of you."
The most common noun in that sentence would be, Betsy Ross.
Why are mountains the best?
Mountains are prime locations for tapping solar and wind energy. High elevation makes it easier to harvest more solar power, and the topography of valleys and mountains makes for powerful wind corridors. 9. They're formed by movement of the earth's crust.
Is mountains a nature?
"a natural elevation of the earth surface rising more or less abruptly from the surrounding level and attaining an altitude which, relatively to the adjacent elevation, is impressive or notable." Whether a landform is called a mountain may depend on local usage.
In the first act, it is introduced to all the main characters such as Capulets, Montague, even dramatic Hero Romeo. In
the precursor to the first act, we are talking about struggles over the
years, two aristocrats "[f]rom ancient grudge break to new mutiny".
we talk about one of the central disputes: that the two familes are
fighting each other. That central conflict enhances the concept of being
hostage against destiny which leads to both Romeo and Juliet's death.
In the first scene, it introduces the characterization of a character centered on Romeo's painful rash emotional heart. In
the second and third scenes of the first act, we were introduced to the
heroine Juliet and gave hints on Juliet about another dispute that
might be involved in Paris.
the last scene of the act, the hero and the heroine meet under intense
conditions, show the emergence of character-to-fate confrontation, and
show the conflict of character against character as seen from Tybalt's
anger and insult feeling Capulet's ball.
all of these introduce and serve to raise a conflict, we
confirm that the purpose of Shakespeare obviously uses the first act as
an exhibition.