The answers is problem and solution
Answer and Explanation:
The above is a quote and extract from the speech of Frederick Douglass(was a social advocate, abolitionist, and orator) in July 5, 1852 while addressing the Rochester ladies' anti-slavery society in New York. His speech was named What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?
In his speech he emphasizes the importance of July fourth as a commemoration of the liberty and independence of the black people from slavery, as he notes it, "the birthday of your national independence and political freedom". July fourth, 1776 was the day America got independence from England and is normally celebrated as such, but is also a day Black people celebrate their freedom from slavery.
this is the area or part of the brain that goes through maturity the most during adolescence
It could be harsh and abusive to a student especially if they are physically and mentally weaker
<em>basically im is used for not and here impossible means that anything which is not possible .. here main root or word is Possible because im is only a prefix .. this prefix 'im' changes the meaning of possible and makes it impossible :)</em>