bobby shrerta
dont come to my post again and post random stuff
Zinn said that study of history should be done from the point of view of the common man. It should not be done from the point of view of the historians or the politicians.
Zinn thought that the way we study history is very boring and that we have been bent under the heavy weight of the history books which lean up on us. They have set from the point of view of the historians and the politicians. This makes it very boring for us to read this subject.
History should rather be studied from the point of view of the common man so that they can understand it better because through this way they can related to it in a better way. When it is told in the form of a story, the interest of the people increases.
Well it seems like they can live on land or water, I think the tectonic plates had alot to do with it also.
I'm almost certain the answer is A.