the answer is D.
The heritable variation is defined as the variance of the breeding values among individuals.
A frameshift changes every codon past it. A base substitution only changes one codon.
DNA is comprised of nucleotides (A, C, T, G) that make up amino acids. Every three bases is called a codon and represents an amino acid.
In a frameshift mutation, a nucleotide is either added or deleted from the sequence. This offsets the entire sequence after it because the reading frame shifts. Here's an example:
If another T is added in between the first and second codons, then every codon after will be changed.
A substitution mutation is usually less severe, as it only alters one codon in the sequence. These occur when one nucleotide is replaced by another one. Here's an example:
Let's say the first G is replaced by a T.
As you can see, none of the other codons changed.
Typically, a frameshift mutation is considered worse than a substitution mutation.
Phenotype is physical appearance of the individual while genotype is the genetic makeup of the individual.
Two parents having normal phenotype but effected individual is due to the parents may be Carrier for the particular deseis and the gene responsible for the desies may be in recessive form and the parents are not effected. The gene is not present in dominant form and can not show its effect but the parents are not effected and the daughter may be affected by certain desiese.
They're made of more than one cell
D. Multiple antibiotic resistance genes.
A plasmid with multiple antibiotic resistance genes is important during cloning as it helps in selectivity of the specific clones during transformation of bacteria.