We have a certain image of men in our mind. The men that we saw around us where we lived. Men we grew up seeing, like our fathers, grandfather, uncles. Men we grew up with like our brothers, friends.
<span>It's like as you sow so shall you reap. A boy who saw his father with addictions,habbits, beating up mom. Will eventually grow up to be like one unintentionally. Kid who saw a father having little to no respect for women..will give no respect to his sisters, wife n female friends. A kid who saw his/her father for a perfect, kind man will have this image in his/her mind n will try to be one/find it in other. That's the image of men that we carry is either we hope not to find such men ever or try to find them in others, depending upon what they saw the good or the bad. Everybody has got this outline of men in their mind based on experiences. In case of girls unintentionally they look for man who fits in the "good guy" outline, it may resemble their father or elder brother.</span>
Dairy is a type of food product and a Diary is a writing log someone might keep for themselves
Famous, respective, and deserving authority. Like George Washington the first president of the united states, he helped our nation or country. Not really like the book legend. Of course, for good deeds, like being kind.
"<span>We are the dead" is the phrase that </span>Winston repeatedly write in his diary while unaware that he is writing it. This becomes evident to the reader, however, early on in the story.
Double-space use Times New Roman font. <span>The font size should be 12 pt</span>