When a person applies for a car loan, mortgage or credit card, the lender determines if lending money to the consumer will be a risk. Credit scores are one way to help credit card companies make the decision to issue credit.
To determine if that person should be given a loan or credit card
North/South America:
New World monkeys inhabit the New World, which includes North and South America.
Africa and Asia:
Prosimians, the earliest of the primates, inhabit regions of Africa and Asia.
Old World monkeys still live in Africa and Asia. Fossil species also lived in Europe.
Apes are Old World primates. They are found today in Africa and Asia.
<h3>What is the group of Primates?</h3>
The primates are;
- New World monkeys
- Prosimians
- Old World monkeys
- Apes
The groups are;
North/South America
Africa and Asia
New World monkeys inhabit the New World, which includes North and South America.
Prosimians, the earliest of the primates, inhabit regions of Africa and Asia. This also applies to Apes and Old monkeys.
North/South America:
New World monkeys inhabit the New World, which includes North and South America.
Africa and Asia:
Prosimians, the earliest of the primates, inhabit regions of Africa and Asia.
Old World monkeys still live in Africa and Asia. Fossil species also lived in Europe.
Apes are Old World primates. They are found today in Africa and Asia.
Read more about Primate Groups at; brainly.com/question/11204777
Amylase break covalent bonds whereas glycogen synthase form covalent bonds.
Amylase is an enzyme that aids in the addition of a water molecule to break covalent bonds thereby converting carbohydrate polymers into monomers whereas glycogen synthase aids in the removal of a water molecule to form covalent bonds converting carbohydrate monomers into polymers.
Find out more on enzyme at: brainly.com/question/361714
4 is the average (mean)