The Amendment 76: Citizenship Qualification of Voters basically states that the current amendment say that “all citizens” can vote and they are trying to change it to say “only citizens” can vote. I would have to be for this because it is going more with the U.S. constitution amendment that only citizens can vote. So your just tightening up the meaning making it a lot less vague; so that there is no confusion. It would be changing the mean from anyone who lives in the U.S can vote to only citizens of the U.S can vote.
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After his return to Venezuela, Chávez was critical of President Caldera and his liberal economic policies. A drop in per capita income, coupled with increases in poverty and crime, "led to gaps emerging between rulers and ruled which favored the emergence of a populist leader".
Leader of the "Bolivarian Revolution", Hugo Chávez is known for his socialist governance, his promotion of Latin American integration, and his radical critique of neoliberal globalization and United States foreign policy.
Obelisks were found mostly at the entrances to temples, but also next to tombs and often in pairs. They gave the entrance a "magical" protection. The obelisk of Senusret is today placed on a Roundabout in a city of El Fayoum.