Atoms sharing valance electrons
nature preserve to save the population since thats where they breed
Meiosis is a process in which sex cells, also known as gametes are made. Meiosis is different from mitosis in a lot of ways, one being that mitosis creates identical daughter cells and meiosis creates unique daughter cells. Meiosis is important because it allow for the creation of a meiosis nucleus. Cells produced by meiosis will be used in haploid, where each member of the next generation is genetically unique.
Cells produced in <u>sexual reproduction</u> will have half of the genetic information of body cells and will be genetically <u>unique</u>. This is necessary because when a sperm and an egg fuse together in sexual reproduction. They form a <u>zygote</u>: the first body of a new individual.
The new individual will now have cells that are <u>diploid</u>, meaning they have two sets of chromosomes. They zygote will have to do a lot of <u>mitosis</u> allowing it to grow quickly and ensure that all of its cells are genetically unique.
The answer would be meteorites containing amino acids. Most of the amino the amino acids revealed in the new investigation were not guaranteed up in proteins or polymers. Furthermore, the most plentiful amino acids originate in biology are those that are set up in proteins, but such "proteinogenic" amino acids signify only a small fraction of the amino acids originate in the meteorites.
mechanical weathering
Mechanical weathering is the process of breaking big rocks into little ones. This process usually happens near the surface of the planet. Temperature also affects the land. The cool nights and hot days always cause things to expand and contract. That movement can cause rocks to crack and break apart.Mechanical weathering involves mechanical processes that break up a rock: for example, ice freezing and expanding in cracks in the rock.