Cleopatra's greatest accomplishment during her time as Egypt's ruler between 48 and 30 B.C. was to unite an otherwise torn kingdom, as well as to improve its economy. She was able to do this by virtue of her intelligence and political prowess, forging powerful alliances with both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, although the latter proved to be her eventual undoing.
Answer: The paint bucket fill because when you have a shape that is inclosed when you you the paint bucket it will fill the whole shape.
I wish you luck on your test!
You should say something.
If it’s genuinely hurting your feelings you have to make that clear to your friends. If they keep making the jokes even after youve told them how you feel, they’re being rude and probably not worth staying friends with.
Good luck, I hope your friends will be understanding and apologize to you.
San Vitale, Ravenna
Both the structures had same purpose of representing a place of worship. Although the subject matter differ but the art technique was same. In Dome of the rock quite elaborative geometric designs, calligraphy and colors were used where as in San Vitale figurative compositions and scripts were designed on mosaic. Apart from that other elements such as columns, piers and ambulatory were same along with the central plan of the structure.