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Lita and Kaloy are grade four pupils in Mabalacat City. It is their first time to join the Caragan Festival. The lively festival honors the first settlers is of Mabalacat City, the Aetas. the festival is celebrated with dances that showcase the rich culture of the Aetas. all the dancers helped in the festival preparation. Lita helped make many colourful costumes. Kaloy decorated ten large red baskets. they even helped paint several tall bamboos. after making the props, they practiced their lively dance. Lita and Kaloy are great dancers. lita and Kaloy learned a lot of new skills from the fun festival. they all enjoyed practicing and working together.
Scout spends more time with Miss Maudie, a widow that is very peppy and fun, who goes out into her garden or her porch every day and loves beauty. She also must love children, because she often baked cakes for the kids.