<span>Soda is the middle child, and as the most amiable of the three, he often gets caught in-between Ponyboy and Darry when they clash. Ponyboy and Darry often argue, and when they do, they both want Soda to be on their side, forgetting that he has his own problems too. In Chapter 12, this is clearly illustrated when Darry confronts Ponyboy about his behavior since the deaths of their friends. Ponyboy retorts, "You'd like that, wouldn't you" You'd like me just to get out. Well, it's not that easy, is it, Soda?" Soda responds by crying "Don't", and runs out of the house, shocking Darry and Ponyboy, who, in being so wrapped up in his own battles, have never considered that he had troubles of his own and needs their support sometimes too. Soda tells them, "I can't stand to hear y'all fight. Sometimes...it's like I'm the middleman in a tug o' war and I'm being split in half".</span>
When connecting 2+ ideas in 1 speech, transition words and repetition of key words is useful to bridge the two subjects (aka relate them to one another).
Let us first define the meaning of misplaced modifier; it is a word, clause, or phrase that is improperly placed in a sentence which make it refer or modify an unintended word.
The first, second, and third sentences that are given above sound correct because their modifiers are placed just right. Only the fourth sentence sounded awkwardly and confusing, because the clause "who lives in New York" is improperly separated from the subject "My aunt", which must be described in the first place, and not the "holidays".
The sentence will sound and can be understood better if it is written this way,
"My aunt, who lives in New York, is coming home for the holidays."
A. He builds Dragonwings despite the financial hardship it causes.
B. After setting a kite free, he offers to build separate kites for Miss Whitlaw, Robin, and Moon Shadow.
Those are the two answer choices that mention father building things.