The increasing complexity of the social structure, the formation of social strata with different, conflicting interests created tension in Ancient Greece society, which, in a number of policies, grew into bloody clashes, leading to murders, expulsion, and confiscation of property. These social clashes were caused by the desire to implement a certain socio-political program for the development of a polis. If the military-agricultural aristocracy stood for the adaptation of the tribal system, traditional management institutions to the new conditions, since namely they guaranteed the aristocracy the preservation of its privileges, influence and political power, then the broad masses of farmers, trade and craft circles (unlike the aristocracy, this part people called demos, i.e., people) sought to create new governing bodies in which they could directly participate and which could guarantee them approval private property, rapid economic development, widespread use of slave labor, their personal freedom. History of Greece in 8–6 centuries BC is filled with clashes over the implementation of these development programs. In the 8th - first half of the 7th century BC the military-landowning nobility maintained a dominant position, but, from the middle of the 7th century BC, the political influence of the aristocracy weakened, and its opponents from the midst of the demos gradually pushed the tribal nobility from the dominant position and increased their political influence.
Nat Turner was an African American preacher who envisioned a day in enslavement of African and American people.
During the era of slavery, Nat Turner who was also an enslaved African American preacher became a leader of a movement meant to rebel against slavery. He led both free and enslaved African-American in the rebellion that caused deaths of approximately 60 white people and 120 blacks.
The movement was suppressed by troops and white civilians who were trained as troops. These organised groups together with mob instigated attacks on black people resulting in death and other casualties. Other black people in the community who were not part of the rebellion were also affected and injured.
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These multinational interests, along with overseas alliances and the modernization of sea transport, are what put the "world" in World War I. Enemy nations attacked each other's colonies and fleets, and laborers and soldiers were recruited from colonized countries, and brought to the front lines.
Long-term relationship between prices and demand. Long-term balance between supply and demand. Figure 6 shows that the lower the price, the greater will be the demand. However, as the price goes down less will eventually be supplied (because farmers will produce less). Conversely, the higher the price, the more will be supplied.