You have to choose something like the Berlin Airlift for example, and you need to explain how it reflected the us policy of containment.
Be sure to add the bolded parts
here is some information you could use for the article you need to write--
<span> --The Berlin Airlift came about as a
result of an economic crisis and an attempt by the West to introduce a
new currency to stabilize the country’s finances.
The Russians closed
access to the Western-controlled sectors of Berlin, threatening to
starve the people in those sectors unless the Allies withdrew their
currency plans.
Since ground and rail transportation routes were blocked
by the Communists, the west flew planes into West Berlin with food and
supplies, starting in June of 1948.
By the following spring, more
supplies were reaching the city than had previously arrived by rail, and
the Soviets ended the blockade in May of 1949. None of this changed the
boundaries or lowered tensions much.
The West, primarily the U.S.
simply maintained the status quo with their policy of containment so
that Communism didn’t speak significantly into other parts of the world.
The freedom of West Berlin was an example of the will of the West to
maintain that containment.
<span>The thinking at the time was that,
if South Viet Nam fell to the Communists in the North, then the other
countries in the region would “fall like dominoes.” (</span><span>the domino theory)
The Continental army of General Washington were camped in the Valley Forge in 1777 - 1778. There was no war in the valley yet it was here that the troop had almost quit. They were here blood, war - beaten, and batle - weary.
<span>What was the name given to the period of time in which the United States struggled with how to rebuild the South and bring it back into the union? A. - 964542.</span><span>
The Ku Klux Klan was created after Abraham Lincoln had claimed slavery was no longer legal. The KKK went around, killing black people and such. They also protested around the segregation process. They are still around to this day, but I don't believe that are killing anymore.
Is true that every state but Nebraska has a bicameral legislator