The watergate scandal happened when United States President Richard Nixon a republic was tied to a crime Ron which former FBI and CIA agents broke into the offices of the Democratic Party and George McGovern.
C. engaging in a style of publishing called "yellow journalism"
Both men were newspaper publishers and in the late 19th century, their papers began to compete with each other. As a result they began to use "yellow journalism" (which is a lack of substantial, researched news combined with flashy headlines) to gain a larger readership.
What occurred in the camps in 1942?
<u>A. Jews were moved out of the camps in the West and sent to Eastern Europe</u>.
B. A forced death march westward
C. New labour projects
D. The construction of a gas chamber at Dachau
E. The closure of Dachau
Answer:02.07 Social Problems and Solutions Chart
I believed that the Problem was successfully addressed because of the fact that people up to this date have abided by it
The Fair labor Standards act was passed which basically outlawed all of child labor
No it is not an issue today because it is against the law for certain aged children to be working
For the most part yes it has been, this is because more buildings were build to ensure that more people could live in them
More Tenements were built because of the Tenement Building owners realizing they could make more money if they had more Tenement housing buildings
Yes and No because there are still people that are homeless but there are enough buildings for them to live in
Child Labor
Lack of
It was never really addressed because of the living arrangements in cities such as the building being made of wood and candles being the only source of light and burning down building forcing people out onto the street which made thieves and pickpockets thrive
Yes it has been addressed successfully because more safety precautions have been taken when making buildings
Yes, for the most part because there are security cameras and protection everywhere such as police officers and fire fighters
Explanation: put them in a chart