1. C, he lied. 2. A, breathtaking
The answer is A: request.
To request means to ask, usually, though not necessarily, in a polite way for something, commonly a favor with which one needs assistance or help.
Again, though it is not necessarily always the case, the action of requesting is often accompanied by humility and gratitude on the side of the person asking for something, and it is accompanied by satisfaction on the side of the one who is being asked.
I try to speak but
My mind is deep in thought
They're calling me back to earth like I'm an astronaut
[someone who spaces out often]
I don't hate you
I just need some time alone
I'm sorry I can't stay
I'd rather be at home
Decompression sickness manifests ITSELF with joint pain and it can be fatal.
'Itself is a word that is usually used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to to an inanimate thing or an animal which has been mentioned previously as the subject of the sentence.
The word being asked in the given above is technical courses. Technical schools is a general term is a general term that is concerned more on the employment, preparing students for skilled or trained labors. The courses include welding, culinary, office management, etc.