Solving Age Word Problems
If the problem involves a single person, then it is similar to an Integer Problem. Read the problem carefully to determine the relationship between the numbers. This is shown in the following example involving a single person.
If the age problem involves the ages of two or more people then using a table would be a good idea. A table will help you to organize the information and to write the equations. This is shown in the age problems: examples involving more than one person.
Age Problems Involving A Single Person
Example 1:
Five years ago, John’s age was half of the age he will be in 8 years. How old is he now?
Step 1: Let x be John’s age now. Look at the question and put the relevant expressions above it.
age problem
Step 2: Write out the equation.
age problem equation
Isolate variable x
Answer:John is now 18 years old.