Conflict is so important because that is what makes a story. It makes a reader want to read whatever it is. It shows how characters develop and grow.
Answer: Varies
Relates to acid, something poisonous.
Answer: The monster challenges readers to recognize that a monster could be an ordinary person, not just an outcast.
Answer: Being a teacher can be hard but before you become one, you have a little help and time to understand the concept of what you want to become. i would consider to be a math teacher because math is an everyday thing. we use math even if we don't know that we are. i would accomplish this goal by studying the things i would need, or have to become the type of teacher i want. i will pay attention during classes even if they aren't what i could have imagined. as said before being a teacher can be hard and stressful but as long as we try hard then it won't seem that way anymore.
just express what you would desire. writing can be passionate if you want it that way. writing can be dull. we are all good writers we just have to find what lights our match. writing brings some people into a good place. writing can help us escape our problems sometimes. but most of all writing is within you. it can help clear your head when your not able to solve a problem. it soothes some people so remember when your writing a paragraph or more give it all you got.
Explanation: Verbal irony is a contrast between what is said or written and what is really meant. When one's speeches or writings are different, contrary or are in contrast to what he or she truely meant, that is verbal irony; for example calling an ugly man handsome.
The word on the wrought iron gate which reads ARBEIT MACHT FREI, translates to WORK SETS YOU FREE. This is a verbal irony because what is written is contrary to what happens behind the gate.
Non of them were ever freed due to their hard work but they were rather gassed to death when they are sick and unable to work.