ination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at ... on the. Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other. Cruel ... They apply to all categories of.
I believe that it does uniform-wise. Using uniforms does help with the school to limit out who is supposed to be there or not, but the thing is, everyone is the same. Schools are setting us up for being factory workers, making us sit in straight rows and stand in lines. Making us do this and that, when in reality none of us want to be some silly factory worker. We want to be artists, scientists, actors, etc. There are clubs for that but it is limited to how good people are or how well they do in something. Back to the clothing, what about people who want to be designers one day? Aren't they going to want to practice what they love? They can't even show what they want to show because of school! Oh well, that's just how it is.
Many people die in the end and the main character suffers bad luck
A tragic work will not usually have a happy ending so many people like, it often involves many tragedies (as the title mentions) and may not turn out well for the protagonist in the end.
I believe that the answer to this question is A. loss of innocence.
I believe the best answers are:
blank 1 -- C) that has
blank 2 -- A) NO CHANGE
The original sentence, "...the US government has the power to take custody of land when having historical significance or great natural beauty" is a bit ambiguous. Who has historical significance? We assume it is the land. But, in the way it is phrased, it could also be the government. To eliminate such ambiguity, the best option is letter C) that has. It will help determine a certain land can be taken. What land? The one that has historical significance.
As for the sentence, "The designation of a territory as a national park, national monument, or other types of protected area can limit activities," I don't see any reasons for changes. Especially because of the word "other", which needs to be completed by a plural noun - eliminating options B and C. Letter D wouldn't be incorrect, but the transformation of "protected area" into an adjective for "types" is unnecessary. The sentence is perfect the way it is and, therefore, needs NO CHANGE.