The best answers for this would be:
Every friday afternoon around 4:00 pm, nerf darts start
flying around the office at aplia, where both work and play are highly valued. –
Slogan would be the best fit for this statement.
at virginia tech, students and professors remember the
courage of professor liviu librescu, who died protecting his students from a
gunman in 2007. – Hero would be the best description for the statement of
at ibm, people talk about the meeting where people were told
to turn off the projector and "just talk." this de-emphasized the
importance of slides in organizational communications. – Finally story is a
great way to put into the communication of other people.
To put it in simple terms.
- Self-esteem is the way we view our own worth.
- Self-concept is the way we view our general characteristics as a whole.
Here are how the two of them connected :
1. The higher our self-esteem, the more positive characteristics that we will put in our self-concept.
People who are comfortable in being themselves, will openly accept their own talents and their own defect. They will constantly hone their talent and make it a part of their identity within the social group.
2. Our Self-concept will be influenced by other people's feedback. Higher self-esteem will help you handle negative feedback from others, making your self-concept become more stable compared to people with lower self-esteem.
1. A. It is true. Poor decision can be embarrassing at the same time humiliating if a person decides to be in school naked.
2. A. True. It is hard to change a decision when it is strongly pursued and done in the process. It can be irreversible, but can be corrected if rectified.
Flatlands do not provide any protection in a war whatsoever, they are good for the enemies because it allows them to go faster.
Always go for b when u don’t know